Monday, November 17, 2008

My Birthday!

Eric works in the evening so Trish, Onica, and Ilya came over to have dinner and hang out. It was so fun, Trish showed me how to roast a chicken. (which we laughed at the thought of her teaching me how to prepare meat!!) We painted our nails. This picture is Onica and Ilya reading Rachel her bedtime stories. They are so good with Rachel.

The Saturday before my birthday Eric woke me up with breakfast. It was so special. Rachel got me a few gifts (measuring cups and spoons, new bread pans, and a book). I got to go to Ikea later in the week and bought a huge storage unit for all my scrapbook stuff. Then Eric and I went to the Capital Forest. Rachel got to hang out with Will, Onica, and Ilya. We hiked in the rain. It was really fun!! And afterward we went to the Melting Pot, of course, for dinner.

1 comment:

Jodie, Stefan and Natalia said...

i'm glad you had such a good b-day. it's nice that you were able to find the Melting Pot there in Seattle too-- I remember how much you loved that place here.